most of the wrestler is focused on archie and hiram's relationship or lack thereof. he's trying to spy on hiram, but the truth is that archie is more interested in earning a seat at the table, than he is being a government patsy.
while veronica is knee deep in festical plans, one of which is to reunite the pussycats. but when josie's mother convinces her that veronica is manipulating her. it becomes an epic battle, which hermione and sierra playing their daughter's like fiddles behind the scenes. this is the kind of layered melodrama i love about riverdale. even though we know the lodges are working with the mayor, it's pretty clear that she's playing but highly skeptical. in blinks alliances shift on this show.
and yet, it's still pretty shocking when veronica and the pussycats perform at the founder's day festival.
in the meantime, betty is dealing with her creepy brother who is definitely a webcam boy, but also might be a male escort? it's strongly implied. and jughead is on a cruasde to expose the dark truth behind the founder's day ball. the fact that the original people the land belonged to got screwed, which is basically the story of almost every indigenous people.
this is all building. and i like where it's going. i just want more.
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