well, we learn right away that cheryl's been sent away for some brainwashing. and then toni and veronica step up to save her after nana rose gives them a major clue about where she ended up. and then toni and cheryl kiss. and it's perfection.
meanwhile the student council battle has a ridiculous town hall debate with alice cooper moderating.
also the whole chic situation blows up
and he finally moves out. and is it just me but are we really sure he's alice's kid? i'm not. but there are so many layers upon layers of lies on this show that it's hard to tell.
all i really know is that i want more f.p.
oh and stuff happened with the lodges and archie becomes like a mafioso and recreates the red circle as the dark circle and blows up a car. i don't know this subplot is getting too stupid for words. and archie is not a convincing capo.
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