heather cocks and jessica morgan are better known as the writing team behind www.gofugyourself.com, the fug girls, but they've also co-written some young adult novels and the royal we. a book best described as prince william and kate middleton fan fiction, with a few key differences that make prince nicholas (nick) and his american girl, rebecca (bex) fictional.
but now that harry is marrying meghan markle and the whole british prince marrying an american commoner who happens to be biracial thing is happening, i thought it was a grand time to revisit nick and bex.
as with my first reading, the first third of the book is sweet and romantic. nick and bex are friends first. and they fall in love gradually. and then his royalty and what that means takes over. and his life isn't his own. that's the reality. he doesn't have freedom. and if bex wants to be with him, she needs to accept that he comes with the weight of the future responsibility of a kingdom.
as a will and kate fan fic, the rest of the royals have stand ins too. eleanor stands in for elizabeth. freddie for harry. and freddie is the character i struggle most with in this book. any long time ready of gofugyourself.com knows that the fug girls have this running thread of harry being lovelorn for kate and in the royal we they basically pull that thread and see where it leads. i did not like where it lead at all.
and my other biggest complaint about the book is that the last third is too devoid of bex and nick being together that when they do reunite it doesn't really feel earned. they endure so much heartache and angst that it makes so little sense that they'd be past it and ready to commit to each other. and the tinge of ambivalence lingers even after the last page of the book is read.
in some ways, this isn't a conventional romance, but the romance is the heart of the story and labeling it as something else wouldn't feel right. but if you happen to be looking for some royal romance, then the royal we should definitely be on your list.
but now that harry is marrying meghan markle and the whole british prince marrying an american commoner who happens to be biracial thing is happening, i thought it was a grand time to revisit nick and bex.
as with my first reading, the first third of the book is sweet and romantic. nick and bex are friends first. and they fall in love gradually. and then his royalty and what that means takes over. and his life isn't his own. that's the reality. he doesn't have freedom. and if bex wants to be with him, she needs to accept that he comes with the weight of the future responsibility of a kingdom.
as a will and kate fan fic, the rest of the royals have stand ins too. eleanor stands in for elizabeth. freddie for harry. and freddie is the character i struggle most with in this book. any long time ready of gofugyourself.com knows that the fug girls have this running thread of harry being lovelorn for kate and in the royal we they basically pull that thread and see where it leads. i did not like where it lead at all.
and my other biggest complaint about the book is that the last third is too devoid of bex and nick being together that when they do reunite it doesn't really feel earned. they endure so much heartache and angst that it makes so little sense that they'd be past it and ready to commit to each other. and the tinge of ambivalence lingers even after the last page of the book is read.
in some ways, this isn't a conventional romance, but the romance is the heart of the story and labeling it as something else wouldn't feel right. but if you happen to be looking for some royal romance, then the royal we should definitely be on your list.
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