officially out in audio today, black sheep is meghan march's latest, and happens to be an audible original available in the audible escape package. narrated by perrenial faves sebastian york and andi arndt. it's queued up on my audio player for a listen, but i totally cheated because i got to read the ebook first. and you guys.
black sheep is cannon freeman's story. the disgraced bastard son of mafia leader dominic casso, cannon has a lot to answer for. and drew carson is looking for answers, and she doesn't care how they implicate cannon. that is, she doesn't care until she meets him.
there are so many lies and layers upon layers of intrigue. dominic is a master of playing games and cannon has been caught up in them for too long. but there is still hope for him.
march is amazing at creating alpha heroes who would do anything for the women they love. cannon is another wonderful example of this. and drew stands on her own. she is no shrinking violet and has her own agenda and game she's playing. march takes us on another wild ride, but i have to say there's no way i'd try and jump off. every twist, every turn, every new revelation is just categorically fun and pure, unadulterated enjoyment.
**black sheep will release on audio on july 2, 2019 and in e-book on august 27, 2019. i received an advance reader copy courtesy of meghan march in exchange for my honest review.
black sheep is cannon freeman's story. the disgraced bastard son of mafia leader dominic casso, cannon has a lot to answer for. and drew carson is looking for answers, and she doesn't care how they implicate cannon. that is, she doesn't care until she meets him.
there are so many lies and layers upon layers of intrigue. dominic is a master of playing games and cannon has been caught up in them for too long. but there is still hope for him.
march is amazing at creating alpha heroes who would do anything for the women they love. cannon is another wonderful example of this. and drew stands on her own. she is no shrinking violet and has her own agenda and game she's playing. march takes us on another wild ride, but i have to say there's no way i'd try and jump off. every twist, every turn, every new revelation is just categorically fun and pure, unadulterated enjoyment.
**black sheep will release on audio on july 2, 2019 and in e-book on august 27, 2019. i received an advance reader copy courtesy of meghan march in exchange for my honest review.
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