graveyard shift, book 3 in the not dead yet series, finds wes and hudson tackling new mysteries and old foes. the crew is as enjoyable as ever and the mystery keeps you riveted as do the relationships between all the characters. the supernatural world growing bigger and broader than in the previous novels.
the story stands alone, but you lose something if you don't read the first two in the series. these characters have a history and their arc over the course of the series has been deeply satisfying to read.
**graveyard shift will publish on november 4, 2019. i received an advance reader copy courtesy of netgalley/carina press in exchange for an honest review.
the story stands alone, but you lose something if you don't read the first two in the series. these characters have a history and their arc over the course of the series has been deeply satisfying to read.
**graveyard shift will publish on november 4, 2019. i received an advance reader copy courtesy of netgalley/carina press in exchange for an honest review.
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