meet zoe king: chess champion; origami master; sister to mae; completely and utterly afraid to leave her house. then there's jackson: homeless, but driven; smart about math and physics; wants to get a degree in astronomy; totally into zoe. when jackson is hired to be zoe's tutor, he's thrilled to finally have an in to talk to her. zoe, on the other hand, is trying not to have a panic attack. but jackson wants to help zoe. as he begins to get a fuller picture of her issues, he wants to assist her in overcoming them. and he does provide a lot of motivation for her. paper girl explores these really interesting characters in a really engaging way. i loved jackson and zoe. homeless and homebound, they should seem like total opposites, but they fit each other in just the right way. **paper girl will publish on december 4, 2018. i received an advance reader copy courtesy of netgalley/entangled publishing (entangled teen) in...
a collection of random thoughts on life, television, books, and movies. usually romantic in nature.